I am part of many "women's rah rah" groups. And I do hair for a living. All that to say, I have a pretty good snap shot of the inner working minds of men and women ages 25-85.
This day and age it totally blows my gourd that we are still struggling for "me time". And more to the point, an ability to enjoy where we are without feeling lazy, complacent, or like an over privileged snob. I thought the shut down had woken us up, but here we are, back to the grind of wanting more more more.
Last night was one of those nights where the sleep and relaxation aids went down a little late as the hubs and I decided to watch Shrek in bed for some light hearted laughs. We hardly EVER watch TV in bed, specifically before sleep (insert long winded mission about perfect sleep practices and master classes on it)....
I woke up, I'm a little groggy, and I decided "Whatever. I'm going to chug this water, make my coffee and get in the hot tub."
Have you ever been told "Live a little"? Probably in conjunction with something breaking the rules or maybe a tiny bit dangerous? I'm worried that such a Valuable piece of advice has been tainted by riding motorcycles in flip flops, drinking a gallon of fireball, and getting weird tattoos in our 20's.
We do need to Live a Little.
12 whole minutes in fact.
In the middle of your grind, raising the kids, opening that new practice, building the store, finishing school, keeping the perfect home, being a care taker to that family member, or reinventing yourself, you, me, we have to choose to be in the moment and enjoy a little snap shot of being right where we are.
My "narrative" said "You woke up late so you better skip walking the dog and your shower and hop on that computer and start sending emails. We don't have time for this today."
My Chosen Truth is " There is always something to grow into, the list is never "done". Erdem built me this deck so that I can soak my bones and be happier. I can take 12 minutes out of my morning to enjoy my coffee and be present with my thoughts."
And in all fairness I did shoot off an email waiting for my coffee to brew!🤣
But here's the deal. I still have time to walk Molly, take a quick shower, be to work on time and I got to enjoy this beautiful morning. Also, I sweat for the sake of sweating which is fabulous for my elimination systems, I remember my coffee so I don't want a second cup, and I don't have that nagging "God I'm so busy, what should I order on Amazon to make my life easier."
Forget the "end of your life". Do not get to the "end of your week" "end of this DAY" WISHING YOU HAD ENJOYED IT MORE.
I'm so over the confines of "beginnings and ends" as defined by society. If I want to "attitude reset" at 11:42am, I'm going to, and forget the rest of the trash day that thought it could own me! I'm not waiting till tomorrow to start over. I'm taking 12 Minutes!
No one thinks better stressed out. No one is passing out "Martyr of the Day" awards. There is no prize for putting off your happiness.
It's also unbecoming of us to resent those who have managed to embrace a happy life, as if they need to "earn it" so we can feel better about our lives.
•Happy, is a choice.
•Content is not synonymous with complacent.
•You matter.
•People love being around Happy People.
•Being a Nice Human starts with being nice to yourself.
Take a moment today and write down the sentences that pop into your mind the second you consider taking a 12 minute break to enjoy yourself. Write down the self diminishing, snarky, condescending Narratives.
Try rewriting each one as Your Chosen Truth about the situation. And rewrite it like you're talking to your 6 year old self that's full of wonder.
That 6 year old in you still exists and they aren't wrong for wanting to enjoy every moment and pass on a ride with The Shame Train Express.
•You are awesome.
•Only you can be you today.
•Time is only an illusion.
•You can reset any second you want to.
•You've got this.
•Take the 12 Minutes.